author, Jacobo Krauel text contributed by the architects, edited and translated by William George and Jay Noden.
[author, Jacobo Krauel ; text contributed by the architects, edited and translated by William George and Jay Noden].
[author, Jacobo Krauel ; text contributed by the architects ; edited and translated by William George and Jay Noden].
[author, Dimitris Kottas ; text, contributed by the architects ; edited and translated by William George and Jay Noden].
[author: Jacobo Krauel ; text: contributed by the architects, edited by William George and Jay Noden].
[author, Eduard Broto ; text contributed by the architects, edited and translated by William George and Marta Rojals].
[author, Pilar Chueca ; text, contributed by architects, edited and translated by William George, Marta Rojals and Jay Noden]
[author, Carles Broto ; text contributed by the architects ; edited by William George and Marta Rojals].
[author, Jacobo Krauel ; text, contributed by the architects ; edited by Naomi Ferguson].
[author, Dimitris Kottas ; text, contributed by the architects, edited by Emily McBride].